How to be the DJ of your own Snapchat feed with Story Playlist
By: Stephanie Huizar | @steffhuizar
Credit: Digital Trends
Snapchat has been competing with Instagram stories ever since its introduction. Snapchat releases new updates and features nearly every day, and this time they have eliminated auto-advance, which automatically opened the next snap after you were done viewing the first snap. You might be familiar with this new feature if you have been on Snapchat for a while now.
Credit: Business Insider
This new feature is called Story Playlist. Story Playlist lets you choose the stories you want to view in a playlist. After choosing the stories, you press play and watch them all in succession. You simply just tap the Story thumbnail next to your friend’s name to add their story to your playlist. Now you can only watch the stories that you want and not be bothered by the others.
Credit: Tech Crunch
This is a big improvement since you no longer have to scroll pass ‘Discoveries’ to get to the stories section. You also don't have to individually tap the stories, let them load, then scroll back up to tap the loaded stories again to watch.
Do you remember the ads that were in between the auto-advance stories you viewed? Well those are not gone (Snapchat has to make money somehow, right?). The ads will pop up in between the story playlists, and if you decide to just watch one story at a time, it will add a snap post-roll ad at the end.
Snapchat is all about ‘friends’. Therefore, Snapchat moved ‘Discover’ to the bottom of the ‘Stories’. Now when you first open Snapchat, you will see your friends stories first, and the ‘Discover’ section will be below.
This change on Snapchat is starting to currently appear on Android and iOS devices.
Tweet us and let us know if you’re enjoying this new feature @socialmediadel.