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Discover Seven Best Show Note Practices

Have you ever imagined posting a video online without a caption? Do you think it will make the impact you desire it to make? Or, do you think it will succeed in conveying the message or the thought behind your video? Wouldn't it undermine the very purpose of the video and even ruin it in some situations? Well, this is exactly why we add descriptions to a video or other content. And, there exists a very vast concept related to captioning the videos.

When we look at the ongoing trends and how businesses are making an impact, we see an increasing interest in videos. It enables them to present and convey their content in a very compelling, catchy, persuading way. It also allows them to stand a good competition and even surpass the major rivals. Simply speaking, videos let organizations stay relevant in the market and expand their outreach in exemplary ways.

When we talk about the current trends in videos, we see podcasts becoming an unavoidable reality. It lets us post a series of audios or videos and create a sense of engagement with the viewers. Instead of being a one-time content, it establishes greater and better memory footprints towards certain objectives. However, as discussed above, the podcasts won't be effective if they don't describe them. And these descriptions are known as the show notes.

The key purpose of a show note is to propagate and put forth the message in a podcast episode. It complements the content by making use of the images and other content such as articles. A show note also plays the role of persuading a new visitor to go into the episodes' depths. You must be wondering what steps you should take towards creating your podcast, show notes, and gain traction. That's what we'll elaborate on in the article. So, let's discover some of the best show note practices.

  1. Crafting SEO-optimized Content and Images

As a podcast creator, the first thing you would want to assure is creating optimized content and images. Without it, even the best of content wouldn't create the desired effect. You will need to make sure that the title, intro, subheads, URL and the images contain the keywords and also optimizing the images for better page speed. You can find the useful tips here on how to Optimize Website Images. The easy way of adding the keyword is to use your content management system's provision for the purpose.

  • Use of the Key Content Points 

Use the key points in the podcast to create a compelling outline. Remember, the purpose is not to reveal all the details, but to give some glimpses. They should be crafted in such a way that they entice interest and keep it intact. To do so, you can pick some quotes and use them in the outline. Do not leave your readers guessing; give some information from the podcast.

  • Try to Give a Stunning Start

You won't achieve much with the outline if you do not give your show notes a stunning start. The goal here is solely to gain the visitor's attention and keep them attached to the content. It would help if you made it catchy, informative, and engaging. If you manage to get them to click on the play button, you have done the job.

  • Reveal about the Guests

When we say reveal, we don't mean that you should let the reader know everything at this stage. It should function as a 70-word piece, describing the people who have spoken in the episode. You may link such info with your guests' biography and link it with their social media pages.

  • Do it Extraordinarily

There are some excellent ideas to make your podcast stand out, and utilizing the show notes is one of them. You can have the podcast transcribed and add it in the show notes. Not only would it create an amazing impact on the listeners or viewers, but it also does wonders in terms of the SEO. However, since you want the readers to be listeners, make sure you skip some of it in the transcription.

  • Add Additional Info

You may add more value to the podcast, which is solely possible by adding links and other material. It will make your content look more genuine and make it look visually appealing. Visuals have key importance as far as the show notes and podcast is concerned.

  • Inspire Action

Content that gives some call to action is the ones that generate more attention and leads. You will need to inspire and stimulate action, and that can make the content appealing. Persuade the listening or viewers to generate reviews, log on to more of your pages, and opt for a subscription.

Final Word

Show notes serve as the backbone for your podcast, and they complement them to expand their reach and value. It is the reason that we must pay maximum attention to creating them. Keeping it simple yet compelling is the key, and optimizing it is the need of the time. Let the outline make them click on the play button, and the podcast content keeps them engaged.