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Why Is It Important To Track Your Outbound Links

Business grows when it forms links. The essentiality of networking keeps arising on various platforms, especially online setups, find it convenient to reach brands beyond the borders.

Online marketing has made its way to the front and has become an ongoing necessity in the advertising world. Since more than half of the world is consistently using the internet, it is only logical to use the online space to communicate with potential clients and customers. 

One key aspect of SEO is creating a space for your business in search engine results. Numerous methods and techniques get utilized to ensure the viewer’s traffic and higher rankings. One website can link to another website by embedding its link in the content. Hence, this single aspect will serve the purpose. You might not be aware of how external links can enhance the link building structure. Thus, for a thorough understanding, stick to the content with eyes glued to each benefit of outbound links. But first, newbies need an insight into what does this term refers to in the SEO world.


A link is a connection between you and another webpage over the internet. An outbound link is explicitly a connection that takes your website visitor onto another webpage. For the website which receives the traffic through you, the link is an inbound link. 

Outbound links provide your users with a better experience and the opportunity to look into other quality information that may prove helpful. Inbound and outbound links are known as external links as they connect you with webpages outside of your own. Internal links, on the other hand, link the content to webpages on your site only. So, if you are promoting a blog about the best kitchen tools, you could link it to a blog about kitchen hacks somewhere on your website.

The objective of online marketing is to make your content visible and convincing for your audience. Your customers will search about you or things relating to you over a search engine. The certainty of using outbound links lies in improving search engine rankings when authoritative sites get linked to the page. The more linked you are through inbound and outbound links, the more Google considers you a reliable source of information. 


One significant advantage of internet marketing is the massive number of tools available to analyze your customers’ behaviors. These are tough to catch when you are working with the traditional modes of marketing. Tracking your outbound links and the views it might have generated for other webpages is an elemental analysis. 

  • First of all, over time, some webpages you may have linked to can get removed or shut down. Webpages keep altering, and you may never find out, but your links get broken. 

Broken links can damage the fabric of your search engine optimization (SEO). Additionally, they also make your website look obsolete and mismanaged. Any customer landing on a removed or broken link will have doubts about your credibility. And this is why you need to track all such links and renew them. 

  • Moreover, outbound links may also become out of age over the period. The information may deplete or become unnecessary. And this is also when you will have to renew your webpage outbound links. Outbound links serve a purpose, and when that purpose vanishes, you need to update your links. 

  • Tracking your outbound links help you gain insight regarding the interests of your consumers. You can get a record of which links your consumers prefer visiting and what information they like getting. As a result, you can better enhance your users’ experience by providing content they love consuming. 

  • Also, outbound links help you analyze where you are failing. If your visitor jumped right to an outbound link without spending much time on your webpage, you might have to focus on providing better content. 

  • Knowing your traffic in detail will help you better understand the efficacy of your online marketing tactics. You can break down your analysis between traffic received organically, through inbound links, or your SEO efforts. You can conduct thorough research and measure your performance against these tracked numbers. Performance analysis is a crucial aspect of your online marketing campaign. How else would you know which technique worked for you and which did not?

  • One benefit of outbound links is that it helps build relationships between business owners. You can create business connections and work together with other webpage owners to provide consumers with a wholesome online experience. However, at times, your outbound links may require you to pass on consumer information. This data may help your outbound link owners analyze what content gets visitors attracted to their site. If you know your outbound analytics, you can easily hand over the necessary information and enhance your business relations. 


Various tools are available nowadays that help you gauge the performance of your internet marketing methods. Google Analytics Auto-track plugin is one such tool that will enable you to achieve this motive. Another option for you to choose is Google Tag Manager, an effortless means to measure your outbound link performance. Apart from these, a few WordPress features or add-ons can also help you track your outbound links.  


Outbound links give your webpage visitors a far better experience than merely providing them quality content. They help in delivering your viewer’s information and data in support of your blog content. This way, your consumers get a well-rounded source of knowledge and can access other resources and yours. Tracking your outbound links is an essential part of your online marketing analysis. It helps in many ways, so tracking needs to be a vital part of your overall online marketing strategy.