October's Top 13 Spooktacular—and all around creepy—Marketing Campaigns

Michelle Wesley & Madison Thomas | @RuckStarC & @inthelifeofMads You know you’ve seen them; they are popping up everywhere you look, making you jump and scream! They are the spookiest Marketing Campaigns of 2014. So come one, come all to witness the creepiest ads this fall.

1.The Skeleton Six—AMC released this gem to announce Walking Dead Season 6 just before the premier of TWD Season 5.

AMC TWD Halloween Ad

2. An Existential Look at the Cola War—I don’t know what’s scarier, Pepsi disguised as a Coke, or a Coke stuffing Pepsi in its uh, can. Well played, Pepsi. Well played.

Pepsi Cola Halloween Ad

3. Freddy Krueger the bartender?—1, 2 crack a brew . . . 3, 4, shut the door. You know the rest.

Heineken Freddy Krueger Halloween Ad

4. The Perfect Body-Stashing Spot?—Side-by-side fridges will never be the same again.

LG Side-by-Side Halloween Ad

5. This Pin-trousity—D-I-Y? Don’t you mean D-I-E?

Pinterest Pin Picks Halloween DIY Ad

6. OREO’s “Nomsters”—Create your own delicious concoctions, but be careful of what your dip your Oreos in...

Oreo Nomsters Halloween Ad

7. Trick or Target—This store has revolutionized Trick or Treat making it an insta-spooky, interactive game.

Target Trick or Treat Interactive Halloween Ad

8. For the Universal Thrill Seekers and Hell Raisers—Universal Studios in Orlando is advertising its Halloween Horror Nights 24 with a social media group that has one message: join or you won’t survive the night.

Universal Studios Orlando The Compound Halloween Ad

9. Just a Touch of Horror—These creative, candy-inspired videos tell an interactive story in which Instagram fans could lend a hand (or a finger) solving the mystery.

Just a Touch of Horror Halloween Ad

10. “Counting Scars”—Disney takes a new terrifying twist at a musical number, starring—you guessed it—your favorite Disney villains.

Disney's Counting Scars Halloween Ad

11. A Masquerade Mystery—Find your way through the mansion maze as Dos Equis uses Oculus Rifts and bars across the nation for this Halloween party.

Dos Equis Masquerade Mystery Halloween Ad

12. Pet BOO-tique—Petco unleashed its annual, adorable “Make A Scene” costume contest with tail-wagging winners. OK, we know it's not necessarily spooky, but it was too cute not to include.

Petco Boo-tique Halloween Ad

13. Black Out—In promotion for their new app, Taco Bell did something strange and a little bit scary. Lights out kiddies.

Taco Bell Black Out Halloween Ad