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The Art of Product Previews

Alex Murray | @Alexisntonfire Have you ever ordered a product online only to realize on arrival that it's not quite what you had expected? Brands are constantly working on new ways to make the purchase process seamless, letting the consumer know what they're actually buying.

Along with timeline for brands, Facebook tabs have allowed businesses to add apps to their pages and create new and interactive ways to engage with the customer. The YouTube/video app has been important for brands to share videos of events, company culture, or new commercials. Some companies have taken this idea a step further.

Burberry on Facebook

Brands like Burberry and Sephora have been using videos as a way to show how products will look in action. This technique is spreading throughout the fashion industry. Being able to see how a model actually moves in certain clothing or jewelry can show the customer way more about a product than a simple photo ever could. Sephora does a great job of this by posting videos from famous stylists instructing viewers on how to use their products correctly.

Sephora on Facebook

These "Products Previews" aren’t just for physical goods either. Product tours are an excellent way to tell customers about your products and services. If your product is web-based, it won’t cost a lot to create a video that explains your widget's key features.

Having a video showing the uses of a product and instruction on how to use them can provide that extra push needed for a potential buyer to make that purchase. When done correctly video product previews can be a powerful tool in turning "likes" into conversions.